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Why you should consider a business consultant

Consider a business consultantWhether you need help with developing a business plan, or are just working on a single project, consider a business consultant to help you reach your goals. These individuals have a couple of unique benefits you may or may not be aware of, should you choose to hire one.

Perks to hiring consultants

A business consultant is a useful addition to any team who is not looking for full time, long term, staff. One of the biggest benefits of hiring a consulting is that they can start right away with little or no orientation. Once the project is complete, they go their separate ways, and your company can reduce its payroll without having to let someone go, possibly burning a bridge.

Also unique to consultants, is that they are independent workers, who often have their own studios, offices, or equipment. This can save a lot of expenses when equipping a team for a project. Sometimes the software licences that they have available can save thousands of dollars for your company.

Lastly, a professional consultant will most likely have their own business licence and the applicable insurance for their field. The extra you may spend on their rate is returned back to you in the form of tax savings, because you don’t need to match their payroll taxes, and their wages are tax deductible expenses.

Ready to consider a business consultant?

This may be the time to consider a professional consultant for your next project. You may call him your “web site guy” or your “outside project manager”, but either way, his services can be contracted while you need him, and set aside while you don’t. If you are looking for an experienced professional on your next project, you’ve come to the right place. Check out the services page to see some examples of work types that I can offer. If you have questions about a specific project, or want to know the costs involved, fill out your information and get your questions answered. Answers are always free, and can help you decide if a consultant is the right fit for you.

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